Automated chiller plant control optimizing variable primary flow water-cooled chiller plants. The Systems Envelope A10 and A20 works in a variable primary configuration and keeps the entire plant, including air-cooled chillers and chilled water pumps, running smoothly.
The Armstrong Systems Envelope – A10 and A20 boosts energy efficiencies of new and existing chiller plant installations to leading class levels. It works with all variable primary configurations, keeping the entire plant - including both air-cooled chillers and chilled water pumps - running at optimum performance and occupant comfort.
Integrates with all brands of chillers, pumps, and automation systems. Installs directly with chiller plant equipment. If preferred, the SE-A10 and A20 connects seamlessly with any central building automation system (BAS) maintaining full control of the chilled water plant through the BAS
Controls up to five chillers and five pumps. No limitations in plant size and cooling capacity
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Mit ADEPT Select schnell und einfach die gewünschte Pumpe auslegen.
Niedrigste Installationskosten. Niedrigste Betriebskosten.
Design envelope 4322 tango-pumpen