FireSet Horizontal Split Case Diesel & Electric

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FireSet Horizontal Split Case Diesel & Electric
FireSet Horizontal Split Case Diesel & Electric - LineDrawing

  • Summary
  • Applications

    Fire-protection of buildings and other built infrastructure

  • Description

    Armstrong Horizontal Split-case (HSC) fire pumps deploy a tilted parting design, with the casing of each pump split at a 15° angle. This maximizes efficiency by minimizing turbulence at the impeller eye. The angled split also keeps suction and discharge centerlines fully aligned – allowing for easy pre-piping on site.

  • Materials

    Metal pump and components

  • Configuration

    Electric (50 Hz and 60 Hz) and diesel-driven designs. UL, ULC, and/or FM certified solutions available

  • Performance range

    500 USgpm – 3,000 USgpm

Excellent performance and lifetime economy

  • Double volute and -suction design for excellent operating efficiency and high flow performance
  • Superior mechanical features, including suction and discharge alignment, dynamically balanced and fully enclosed impeller, factory-aligned pump and motor, protective bearing-removal mechanism, and removable upper-half casing for extended durability, excellent operating efficiency, and easy maintenance
  • Pump design using industry common parts (e.g. standard packing gland) and tools for easy and cost-effective maintenance

Design flexibility

  • Right or left hand suction configuration with electric-driven pumps for easy adapting to mechanical room piping arrangement
  • Narrow design (distance between suction and discharge flanges) for easier installation and maintenance in tight spaces and retrofit installations

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360 Service and Support

FireSet Horizontal Split Case Diesel & Electric 4600F, 60Hz - solution outline

FireSet Horizontal Split Case Diesel & Electric 4600F, 50Hz - solution outline

Submittals (Electric driven)


Submittals (Diesel driven)


Submittals (Diesel driven with panel mounted)


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