- Lowest installed cost
- The advantages of variable speed technology
- Whole-system controls design
- Integration of renewables
- Ease of maintenance
- The Design Envelope model
These principles support and guide our commitment to deliver a lower carbon footprint and higher energy efficiency to our customers at minimal cost.
Further to this commitment, we help our customers understand GHG emissions and cost savings at individual installations. For example, the payback periods for some
of our energy efficient solutions have been calculated to be as low as 1 - 2 years —
an unprecedented value in our industry. Now is also the ideal time to take advantage of the many government energy rebate programs which offer substantial financial incentives for industrial, commercial and institutional sectors — all designed to drive down the total cost of ownership.
All of these opportunities are detailed in our platform for sustainability — one of
the most comprehensive energy solution based-programs in our industry. Your
Armstrong Representative will help you develop the sustainability platform you
require using our integrated systems and low carbon technologies. Work with us
to leave no option unexplored.